Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Journal Entry ~ Last 90 Days ~ 9/1/2021

Here we are again on September 1st.  Another year gone by and not only haven't I lost weight, I've gained!

I've been eating everything I want.  I haven't been exercising.  My stress levels have been through the roof.  I haven't been weighing in daily.  I just plain haven't been taking care of myself.

This has to stop!  I've got to get control of my life somehow.  Right now I feel like I've been on a train with no brakes, each day passing by in a whirl of activity but with me somehow feeling like I've accomplished nothing.

I'm only 5.6 lbs away from my all-time highest weight.  5.6 lbs.  And I feel like crap.  (pardon my language :)

I feel like this was a rant but I needed to get it off my chest.  And butt.  And thighs.  You know the drill :)


Tomorrow I will clear the wedding decorations off my treadmill and get some movement in.  I will also start Intermittent Fasting with an eating window between 10am and 4pm.

This is the "plan".

Anyone want to come along on the journey?  I promise to be more upbeat in the future :)


P.S.  I just realized that the Last 90 Days doesn't start until October 1st!  LOLLLLLLLLLL  Oh well, I'm making it the Last 120 Days :)  I'm just getting a head start...

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes on reaching your goal.
    I know it is hard. I love food. And feeding a family or just a husband in case causes you to struggle! We moved the first of June. I now the dogs several times a day. Wishing you the best!
